100Nombre maximal de participants
10Total des apprenants inscrits
EnglishLangue audio
Évaluations de classe
{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
Ce forum de discussion est disponible uniquement pour les apprenants inscrits.
Meet Your Wild Child!
Following 'a walk in the beach' you will be guided through an Improv. writing process from the heart and from the gut. Meet your wise Wild Child and discover a story!
Information additionnelle
Please make sure that you have plenty of lined writing paper, 2 working pens and ideally some crayons and/or color pencils.
Détails du programme
{{ session.minutes }} séance d'une minute
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Cours en direct
À propos Kate Hawkes
Kate Hawkes
Originally from Australia, Kate holds degrees in Education, Counseling, and an MFA in Directing. Kate is a freelance theatre professional who has worked professionally in all aspects of theatre for over 40 years – including acting, directing, producing,...
Apprenants (10)
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